🌱 东湖学堂 × 多伦多大学心理学专家 Sonny 博士



青春期是孩子探索自我、建立价值观的重要阶段,而“反叛”是成长中的自然现象。为了帮助青少年更好地理解自己、管理情绪、提升心理素质,东湖学堂联合多伦多大学心理学专家 Sonny 博士,推出「成长与反叛」主题春令营!

📌 课程亮点:

✅ 探索自我,增强心理韧性:帮助孩子认识自己的性格、情绪模式,学会积极应对压力和挑战。

✅ 理解成长中的“反叛”:了解独立思考的重要性,学会在尊重与表达之间找到平衡。

✅ 提升情商,建立良好社交关系:通过互动活动、团队合作,提高沟通能力,增强同理心。

✅ 专家引导,科学支持:由Sonny 博士带领,结合心理学理论与实践,为孩子提供成长工具。

✅ TED 风格演讲训练:孩子们将在课程结束时,制作 PPT 并进行 10 分钟的 TED 演讲,向同龄人和家长展示自己的成长收获!

✅ 身心平衡训练:通过呼吸调节、冥想和团队活动,帮助孩子学会调节情绪、缓解压力。

🌱 10-12岁:迈向独立,适应成长挑战

📅 时间:2025年3月10日 – 3月14日 10:00am-1:00pm


🔹 课程是否变得更具挑战性?

🔹 如何结交新朋友并维持友谊?

🔹 我每天经历的情绪变化意味着什么?

🔹 我是否正在变得更独立?

🔹 在成长过程中,我需要掌握哪些新技能?

本次春令营将围绕这些问题展开,Sonny 博士将通过互动讨论、独立研究、个性化探索,帮助孩子们建立自信、自我认知和沟通能力。最后,每位孩子都将准备10分钟的TED 风格演讲,在观众面前表达自己的成长见解!

🌿 13-16岁:迎接青春期挑战,塑造更好的自己

📅 时间:2025年3月10日 – 3月14日 下午1:30到4:30

地址:1541 Oakhill Dr. Oakville



🔹 如何管理与同学、老师、家长和朋友的关系?

🔹 如何保持学习和生活的动力?

🔹 怎样调节强烈的情绪和压力?

🔹 如何做出更好的决策并评估选择?

🔹 “我是谁?我的未来在哪里?”

在Sonny 博士的引导下,青少年们将学习心理调适方法,提升独立思考能力,增强社交和自我管理技能。此外,他们还将体验呼吸冥想和团队活动,探索如何在紧张的学习生活中保持身心平衡。

2025 Spring Camp (Ages 10-12)

While winter may still have a firm grip on us, we can already sense that spring is in the air! If you’re preparing to move from elementary school to middle school, or you’re already navigating your middle school years, you probably have a lot of questions on your mind:

* Will the classes be more challenging?

* How do I make new friends and maintain friendships?

* Why do my emotions seem to change every day?

* Am I becoming more independent?

* What are some essential skills I want to develop as I grow?

If you’ve been wondering about these things, then our 2025 Spring Camp is just for you!

📅 Dates: March 10 – March 14  10:00 am-1:00 pm
👨‍🏫 Instructor: Mr. Sonny Wang (PhD Candidate, University of Toronto)

Through interactive discussions and engaging activities, Mr. Wang will help you explore these topics while also guiding you to conduct independent research on a subject of your choice. To conclude the camp, each participant will create a PowerPoint presentation and deliver a 10-minute TED Talk-style speech in front of an audience of fellow students, parents, and families!

Beyond the classroom, you’ll also take part in fun and relaxing activities like breathing meditation and teamwork activities, giving you a chance to experience how grown-ups find balance between body and mind.

It’s going to be an exciting, engaging, and meaningful week—we can’t wait to see you there!

2025 Spring Camp (Ages 13-16)

If you’re about to start high school or are already well into it, have you ever wondered about the keys to success during these critical years? You may be facing some of these common challenges:

* Managing social relationships with peers, teachers, parents, and friends in different settings

* Struggling with consistent motivation for school or extracurricular activities

* Finding it difficult to understand and regulate strong emotions

* Feeling uncertain about decision-making and evaluating the choices ahead of you

* Asking yourself the big question: “Who am I?” as you grow into a young adult

📅 Dates: March 10 – March 14  1:30pm-4:30pm
👨‍🏫 Instructor: Mr. Sonny Wang (PhD Candidate, University of Toronto)

Throughout this five-day camp, Mr. Wang will lead thought-provoking discussions on these important topics and introduce effective mindsets and strategies to help you navigate these challenges with confidence.

In addition to the discussions, you’ll also participate in breathing meditation and teamwork activities, giving you the opportunity to explore ways to balance your body and mind—essential skills for success in school and beyond.

Get ready for a week of learning, self-discovery, and fun—we can’t wait for you to join us!


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